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Hospitals in Inner Mongolia autonomous region

Updated: 2019-03-20




Inner Mongolia People's Hospital (内蒙古自治区人民医院)

Tel: 0471-662 0000

Add: No 20 Zhaowuda Road, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia

English service available

Web: http://www.nmgyy.cn/English/index.html

The Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University (内蒙古医科大学附属医院)

Tel: 0471-345 1164; 0471-345 1120 (emergency)

Add: No 1 Tongdao North Road, Huimin District, Hohhot, Inner Mongolia

The Second Affiliated Hospital of Inner Mongolia Medical University (内蒙古医学院第二附属医院)

Tel: 0471-635 1295, 0471-635 1329

Add: Yingfang Road, Wenhua St. Hohhot, Inner Mongolia

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